250克 鸡胸肉
2大勺 沙拉油
2支 葱花
6-8支 朝天椒
1/2大勺 加饭酒
1大勺 玉米淀粉
1大勺 水
1大勺 生抽酱油
2大勺 美极酱油
1+1/2大勺 砂糖
1. 鸡肉洗净后切丁,拌入腌料30分钟。朝天椒切碎,将调料混合成备用。
Clean and cut the chicken into small dices, add in marinade and let stand for 30 minutes. Chop the dried chili. Mix the ingredients for the sauce and set aside.
2. 炒锅中烧热沙拉油,入鸡丁翻炒至肉变白后,加入葱和辣椒,继续翻炒1分钟左右,倒入调味料拌炒几下后,熄火再加入九层塔略拌炒后,立刻起锅。
Heat up a wok with oil, add in chicken and stir until the colour changed. Add in spring onions and chili, stir about 1 minute. Pour in sauce and stir for a while. Switch off the heat and sprinkle some dried basil. Dish off.