2件 鱼柳
6片 培根,切半
1小勺 加饭酒
1/4小勺 食盐
1/4小勺 白胡椒粉
2 pcs Fish fillets
7 pcs Bacon, cut in half
1 tsp Jiafan rice wine
1/4 tsp Salt
1/4 tsp White pepper powder
1. 鱼洗净后抹干水份,切成4厘米x2厘米的块状。用料酒,盐和胡椒粉腌制30分钟。
Clean the fish and dry them with a kitchen towel. Cut them into 4cmx2cm pieces. Marinate the fish with rice wine, salt and pepper for about 30 minutes.
2. 腌好的鱼块放在培根上,卷起后用牙签固定好。
Make the fish bacon rolls by laying a piece of fish on a strip of bacon. Roll up and fasten with toothpicks.
3. 培根卷放在铺上锡纸的烤盘上,入200C/400F烤箱烘焙12-15分钟。趁热食用。
Place bacon rolls in baking pan lined with aluminum foil and bake in a preheated 200C/400F oven for about 12-15 minutes. Serve