350克 中筋粉
15克 新鲜酵母
1/2小勺 砂糖
170毫升 温牛奶
25克 牛油
1小勺 食盐
1个 鸡蛋
1个 蛋黄
2大勺 水
1/2大勺 芝麻粒
1. 面粉放到搅拌盆里备用。鲜酵母用温牛奶泡开,加入砂糖拌化。
Place the flour in a mixing bowl. Dissolve yeast in milk with sugar.
2. 将牛奶加到面粉里,和食盐,牛油和鸡蛋。将其揉搓至面团光滑均匀。盖上湿布发酵60分钟左右。
Add milk to the flour together with salt, butter and egg. Knead until a dough smooth and elastic. Then set aside covered to rise for 60 minutes.
3. 将面团匀分成6份,每份揉圆。用手指沾些面粉,在面团中间戳个1-1.5寸圆洞。静置15分钟左右。
Divide the dough into 6 equal parts and knead each separately to form a small ball. Push a floured finger through the center of each and twirl it around your finger to make a bagel with about a 1 to 1 1/2-inch hole. Let rise for 15 minutes.
4. 烧开一锅水,2升左右吧。加入1大勺蜂蜜或是砂糖。每次入3个贝果煮上1分钟。翻个面再煮上1分钟。捞出沥干水份。
Bring to boil 2 liters of water with 1 tablespoon honey or sugar in it. Boil 3 bagels at a time for 1 minute each, turning carefully. Drain.
5. 把蛋黄和水混合打匀后均匀扫在烫好的贝果表面上,洒些芝麻粒。入预热200C/400F烘焙大约25-30分钟直到金黄。
Mix the egg yolk with 2 tablespoons water, beat well, and brush the bagels with the mixture. Sprinkle some sesame seeds on top. Bake 25-30 minutes at 200C/400F until golden brown.